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Upgrade from Tauri 1.0

This guide walks you through upgrading your Tauri 1.0 application to Tauri 2.0.

Preparing for Mobile

The mobile interface of Tauri requires your project to output a shared library. If you are targetting mobile for your existing application, you must change your crate to produce that kind of artifact along with the desktop executable.

  1. Change the Cargo manifest to produce the library. Append the following block:
name = "app_lib"
crate-type = ["staticlib", "cdylib", "rlib"]
  1. Rename src-tauri/src/ to src-tauri/src/ This file will be shared by both desktop and mobile targets.

  2. Rename the main function header in to the following:

#[cfg_attr(mobile, tauri::mobile_entry_point)]
pub fn run() {
// your code here

The tauri::mobile_entry_point macro prepares your function to be executed on mobile.

  1. Recreate the file calling the shared run function:
#![cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), windows_subsystem = "windows")]
fn main() {

Automated Migration

The Tauri v2 CLI includes a migrate command that automates most of the process and helps you finish the migration:

npm install @tauri-apps/cli@next
npm run tauri migrate

Learn more about the migrate command in the Command Line Interface reference

Summary of Changes

Below is a summary of the changes from Tauri 1.0 to Tauri 2.0:

Tauri Configuration

  • package > productName and package > version moved to top-level field.
  • package removed.
  • tauri key renamed to app.
  • tauri > allowlist removed. Refer to Migrate Permissions.
  • tauri > allowlist > protocol > assetScope moved to app > security > assetProtocol > scope.
  • tauri > cli moved to plugins > cli.
  • tauri > windows > fileDropEnabled renamed to app > windows > dragDropEnabled.
  • tauri > updater > active removed.
  • tauri > updater > dialog removed.
  • tauri > updater moved to plugins > updater.
  • tauri > systemTray renamed to app > trayIcon.
  • tauri > pattern moved to app > security > pattern.
  • tauri > bundle moved top-level.
  • tauri > bundle > dmg moved to bundle > macOS > dmg
  • tauri > bundle > deb moved to bundle > linux > deb
  • tauri > bundle > appimage moved to bundle > linux > appimage
  • tauri > bundle > macOS > license removed, use bundle > licenseFile instead.
  • tauri > bundle > windows > wix > license removed, use bundle > licenseFile instead.
  • tauri > bundle > windows > nsis > license removed, use bundle > licenseFile instead.
  • build > withGlobalTauri moved to app > withGlobalTauri.
  • build > distDir renamed to frontendDist.
  • build > devPath renamed to devUrl.

Tauri 2.0 Configuration API reference

New Cargo Features

  • linux-protocol-body: Enables custom protocol request body parsing, allowing the IPC to use it. Requires webkit2gtk 2.40.

Removed Cargo Features

  • reqwest-client: reqwest is now the only supported client.
  • reqwest-native-tls-vendored: use native-tls-vendored instead.
  • process-command-api: use the shell plugin instead (see instructions in the following section).
  • shell-open-api: use the shell plugin instead (see instructions in the following section).
  • windows7-compat: moved to the notification plugin.
  • updater: Updater is now a plugin.
  • linux-protocol-headers: Now enabled by default since we upgraded our minimum webkit2gtk version.
  • system-tray: renamed to tray-icon.

Rust Crate Changes

  • api module removed. Each API module can be found in a Tauri plugin.
  • api::dialog module removed. Use tauri-plugin-dialog instead. Migration
  • api::file module removed. Use Rust’s std::fs instead.
  • api::http module removed. Use tauri-plugin-http instead. Migration
  • api::ip module rewritten and moved to tauri::ipc. Check out the new APIs, specially tauri::ipc::Channel.
  • api::path module functions and tauri::PathResolved moved to tauri::Manager::path. Migration
  • api::process::Command, tauri::api::shell and tauri::Manager::shell_scope APIs removed. Use tauri-plugin-shell instead. Migration
  • api::process::current_binary and tauri::api::process::restart moved to tauri::process.
  • api::version module has been removed. Use the semver crate instead.
  • App::clipboard_manager and AppHandle::clipboard_manager removed. Use tauri-plugin-clipboard instead. Migration
  • App::get_cli_matches removed. Use tauri-plugin-cli instead. Migration
  • App::global_shortcut_manager and AppHandle::global_shortcut_manager removed. Use tauri-plugin-global-shortcut instead. Migration
  • Manager::fs_scope removed. The file system scope can be accessed via tauri_plugin_fs::FsExt.
  • Plugin::PluginApi now receives a plugin configuration as a second argument.
  • Plugin::setup_with_config removed. Use the updated tauri::Plugin::PluginApi instead.
  • scope::ipc::RemoteDomainAccessScope::enable_tauri_api and scope::ipc::RemoteDomainAccessScope::enables_tauri_api removed. Enable each core plugin individually via scope::ipc::RemoteDomainAccessScope::add_plugin instead.
  • scope::IpcScope removed, use scope::ipc::Scope instead.
  • scope::FsScope, scope::GlobPattern and scope::FsScopeEvent removed, use scope::fs::Scope, scope::fs::Pattern and scope::fs::Event respectively.
  • updater module removed. Use tauri-plugin-updater instead. Migration
  • Env.args field has been removed, use Env.args_os field instead.
  • Menu, MenuEvent, CustomMenuItem, Submenu, WindowMenuEvent, MenuItem and Builder::on_menu_event APIs removed. Migration
  • SystemTray, SystemTrayHandle, SystemTrayMenu, SystemTrayMenuItemHandle, SystemTraySubmenu, MenuEntry and SystemTrayMenuItem APIs removed. Migration

JavaScript API Changes

The @tauri-apps/api package no longer provides non-core modules. Only the previous tauri (now core), path, event and window modules are exported. All others have been moved to plugins.

  • @tauri-apps/api/tauri module renamed to @tauri-apps/api/core. Migration
  • @tauri-apps/api/cli module removed. Use @tauri-apps/plugin-cli instead. Migration
  • @tauri-apps/api/clipboard module removed. Use @tauri-apps/plugin-clipboard instead. Migration
  • @tauri-apps/api/dialog module removed. Use @tauri-apps/plugin-dialog instead. Migration
  • @tauri-apps/api/fs module removed. Use @tauri-apps/plugin-fs instead. Migration
  • @tauri-apps/api/global-shortcut module removed. Use @tauri-apps/plugin-global-shortcut instead. Migration
  • @tauri-apps/api/http module removed. Use @tauri-apps/plugin-http instead. Migration
  • @tauri-apps/api/os module removed. Use @tauri-apps/plugin-os instead. Migration
  • @tauri-apps/api/notification module removed. Use @tauri-apps/plugin-notification instead. Migration
  • @tauri-apps/api/process module removed. Use @tauri-apps/plugin-process instead. Migration
  • @tauri-apps/api/shell module removed. Use @tauri-apps/plugin-shell instead. Migration
  • @tauri-apps/api/updater module removed. Use @tauri-apps/plugin-updater instead Migration
  • @tauri-apps/api/window module renamed to @tauri-apps/api/webviewWindow. Migration

Environment Variables Changes

Most of the environment variables read and written by the Tauri CLI were renamed for consistency and prevention of mistakes:


Event System

The event system was redesigned to be easier to use. Instead of relying on the source of the event, it now has a simpler implementation that relies on event targets.

  • The emit function now emits the event to all event listeners
  • Added a new emit_to function to trigger an event to a specific target
  • emit_filter now filters based on EventTarget instead of a window.
  • Renamed listen_global to listen_any. It now listens to all events regardless of their filters and targets.

Multiwebview support

Tauri v2 introduces multiwebview support currently behind an unstable feature flag. In order to support it, we renamed the Rust Window type to WebviewWindow and the Manager get_window function to get_webview_window.

The WebviewWindow JS API type is now re-exported from @tauri-apps/api/webviewWindow instead of @tauri-apps/api/window.

Detailed Migration Steps

Common scenarios you may encounter when migrating your Tauri 1.0 app to Tauri 2.0.

Migrate to Core Module

The @tauri-apps/api/tauri module was renamed to @tauri-apps/api/core. Simply rename the module import:

import { invoke } from "@tauri-apps/api/tauri"
import { invoke } from "@tauri-apps/api/core"

Migrate to CLI Plugin

The Rust App::get_cli_matches JavaScript @tauri-apps/api/cli APIs have been removed. Use the @tauri-apps/plugin-cli plugin instead:

  1. Add to cargo dependencies:
tauri-plugin-cli = "2"
  1. Use in JavaScript or Rust project:
fn main() {
"dependencies": {
"@tauri-apps/plugin-cli": "^2.0.0"
import { getMatches } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-cli';
const matches = await getMatches();

Migrate to Clipboard Plugin

The Rust App::clipboard_manager and AppHandle::clipboard_manager and JavaScript @tauri-apps/api/clipboard APIs have been removed. Use the @tauri-apps/plugin-clipboard-manager plugin instead:

tauri-plugin-clipboard-manager = "2"
fn main() {
"dependencies": {
"@tauri-apps/plugin-clipboard-manager": "^2.0.0"
import { writeText, readText } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-clipboard-manager';
await writeText('Tauri is awesome!');
assert(await readText(), 'Tauri is awesome!');

Migrate to Dialog Plugin

The Rust tauri::api::dialog JavaScript @tauri-apps/api/dialog APIs have been removed. Use the @tauri-apps/plugin-dialog plugin instead:

  1. Add to cargo dependencies:
tauri-plugin-dialog = "2"
  1. Use in JavaScript or Rust project:
fn main() {
"dependencies": {
"@tauri-apps/plugin-dialog": "^2.0.0"
import { save } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-dialog';
const filePath = await save({
filters: [
name: 'Image',
extensions: ['png', 'jpeg'],

Migrate to File System Plugin

The Rust App::get_cli_matches JavaScript @tauri-apps/api/fs APIs have been removed. Use the std::fs for Rust and @tauri-apps/plugin-fs plugin for JavaScript instead:

  1. Add to cargo dependencies:
tauri-plugin-fs = "2"
  1. Use in JavaScript or Rust project:
fn main() {
"dependencies": {
"@tauri-apps/plugin-fs": "^2.0.0"
import { mkdir, BaseDirectory } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-fs';
await mkdir('db', { baseDir: BaseDirectory.AppLocalData });

Some functions and types have been renamed or removed:

  • Dir enum alias removed, use BaseDirectory.
  • FileEntry, FsBinaryFileOption, FsDirOptions, FsOptions, FsTextFileOption and BinaryFileContents interfaces and type aliases have been removed and replaced with new interfaces suited for each function.
  • createDir renamed to mkdir.
  • readBinaryFile renamed to readFile.
  • removeDir removed and replaced with remove.
  • removeFile removed and replaced with remove.
  • renameFile removed and replaced with rename.
  • writeBinaryFile renamed to writeFile.

Migrate to Global Shortcut Plugin

The Rust App::global_shortcut_manager and AppHandle::global_shortcut_manager and JavaScript @tauri-apps/api/global-shortcut APIs have been removed. Use the @tauri-apps/plugin-global-shortcut plugin instead:

  1. Add to cargo dependencies:
[target."cfg(not(any(target_os = \"android\", target_os = \"ios\")))".dependencies]
tauri-plugin-global-shortcut = "2"
  1. Use in JavaScript or Rust project:
fn main() {
"dependencies": {
"@tauri-apps/plugin-global-shortcut": "^2.0.0"
import { register } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-global-shortcut';
await register('CommandOrControl+Shift+C', () => {
console.log('Shortcut triggered');

Migrate to HTTP Plugin

The Rust tauri::api::http JavaScript @tauri-apps/api/http APIs have been removed. Use the @tauri-apps/plugin-http plugin instead:

  1. Add to cargo dependencies:
tauri-plugin-http = "2"
  1. Use in JavaScript or Rust project:
fn main() {
"dependencies": {
"@tauri-apps/plugin-http": "^2.0.0"
import { fetch } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-http';
const response = await fetch(

Migrate to Notification Plugin

The Rust tauri::api::notification JavaScript @tauri-apps/api/notification APIs have been removed. Use the @tauri-apps/plugin-notification plugin instead:

  1. Add to cargo dependencies:
tauri-plugin-notification = "2"
  1. Use in JavaScript or Rust project:
fn main() {
"dependencies": {
"@tauri-apps/plugin-notification": "^2.0.0"
import { sendNotification } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-notification';
sendNotification('Tauri is awesome!');

Migrate to Menu Module

The Rust Menu APIs were moved to the tauri::menu module and refactored to use the muda crate.

Use tauri::menu::MenuBuilder

Use tauri::menu::MenuBuilder instead of tauri::Menu. Note that its constructor takes a Manager instance (one of App, AppHandle or WebviewWindow) as an argument:

use tauri::menu::MenuBuilder;
.setup(|app| {
let menu = MenuBuilder::new(app)
.text("open-url", "Open URL")
.check("toggle", "Toggle")
.icon("show-app", "Show App", app.default_window_icon().cloned().unwrap())

Use tauri::menu::PredefinedMenuItem

Use tauri::menu::PredefinedMenuItem instead of tauri::MenuItem:

use tauri::menu::{MenuBuilder, PredefinedMenuItem};
.setup(|app| {
let menu = MenuBuilder::new(app).item(&PredefinedMenuItem::copy(app)?).build()?;

Use tauri::menu::MenuItemBuilder

Use tauri::menu::MenuItemBuilder instead of tauri::CustomMenuItem:

use tauri::menu::MenuItemBuilder;
.setup(|app| {
let toggle = MenuItemBuilder::new("Toggle").accelerator("Ctrl+Shift+T").build(app)?;

Use tauri::menu::SubmenuBuilder

Use tauri::menu::SubmenuBuilder instead of tauri::Submenu:

use tauri::menu::{MenuBuilder, SubmenuBuilder};
.setup(|app| {
let submenu = SubmenuBuilder::new(app, "Sub")
.check("Is Awesome")
let menu = MenuBuilder::new(app).item(&submenu).build()?;

tauri::Builder::menu now takes a closure because the menu needs a Manager instance to be built. See the documentation for more information.

The Rust tauri::Builder::on_menu_event API was removed. Use tauri::App::on_menu_event or tauri::AppHandle::on_menu_event instead:

use tauri::menu::{CheckMenuItemBuilder, MenuBuilder, MenuItemBuilder};
.setup(|app| {
let toggle = MenuItemBuilder::with_id("toggle", "Toggle").build(app)?;
let check = CheckMenuItemBuilder::new("Mark").build(app)?;
let menu = MenuBuilder::new(app).items(&[&toggle, &check]).build()?;
app.on_menu_event(move |app, event| {
if == {
println!("`check` triggered, do something! is checked? {}", check.is_checked().unwrap());
} else if == "toggle" {
println!("toggle triggered!");

Note that there are two ways to check which menu item was selected: move the item to the event handler closure and compare IDs, or define a custom ID for the item through the with_id constructor and use that ID string to compare.

Migrate to OS Plugin

The Rust tauri::api::os JavaScript @tauri-apps/api/os APIs have been removed. Use the @tauri-apps/plugin-os plugin instead:

  1. Add to cargo dependencies:
tauri-plugin-os = "2"
  1. Use in JavaScript or Rust project:
fn main() {
"dependencies": {
"@tauri-apps/plugin-os": "^2.0.0"
import { arch } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-os';
const architecture = await arch();

Migrate to Process Plugin

The Rust tauri::api::process JavaScript @tauri-apps/api/process APIs have been removed. Use the @tauri-apps/plugin-process plugin instead:

  1. Add to cargo dependencies:
tauri-plugin-process = "2"
  1. Use in JavaScript or Rust project:
fn main() {
"dependencies": {
"@tauri-apps/plugin-process": "^2.0.0"
import { exit, relaunch } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-process';
await exit(0);
await relaunch();

Migrate to Shell Plugin

The Rust tauri::api::shell JavaScript @tauri-apps/api/shell APIs have been removed. Use the @tauri-apps/plugin-shell plugin instead:

  1. Add to cargo dependencies:
tauri-plugin-shell = "2"
  1. Use in JavaScript or Rust project:
fn main() {
"dependencies": {
"@tauri-apps/plugin-shell": "^2.0.0"
import { Command, open } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-shell';
const output = await Command.create('echo', 'message').execute();
await open('');

Migrate to Tray Icon Module

The Rust SystemTray APIs were renamed to TrayIcon for consistency. The new APIs can be found in the Rust tray module.

Use tauri::tray::TrayIconBuilder

Use tauri::tray::TrayIconBuilder instead of tauri::SystemTray:

let tray = tauri::tray::TrayIconBuilder::with_id("my-tray").build(app)?;

See TrayIconBuilder for more information.

Migrate to Menu

Use tauri::menu::Menu instead of tauri::SystemTrayMenu, tauri::menu::Submenu instead of tauri::SystemTraySubmenu and tauri::menu::PredefinedMenuItem instead of tauri::SystemTrayMenuItem.

Tray Events

tauri::SystemTray::on_event have been split into tauri::tray::TrayIconBuilder::on_menu_event and tauri::tray::TrayIconBuilder::on_tray_icon_event:

use tauri::{
menu::{MenuBuilder, MenuItemBuilder},
tray::{MouseButton, MouseButtonState, TrayIconBuilder, TrayIconEvent},
.setup(|app| {
let toggle = MenuItemBuilder::with_id("toggle", "Toggle").build(app)?;
let menu = MenuBuilder::new(app).items(&[&toggle]).build()?;
let tray = TrayIconBuilder::new()
.on_menu_event(move |app, event| match {
"toggle" => {
println!("toggle clicked");
_ => (),
.on_tray_icon_event(|tray, event| {
if let TrayIconEvent::Click {
button: MouseButton::Left,
button_state: MouseButtonState::Up,
} = event
let app = tray.app_handle();
if let Some(webview_window) = app.get_webview_window("main") {
let _ =;
let _ = webview_window.set_focus();

Migrate to Updater Plugin

The built-in dialog with an automatic update check was removed, use the Rust and JS APIs to check for and install updates instead.

The Rust tauri::updater and JavaScript @tauri-apps/api-updater APIs have been removed. To set a custom updater target with the @tauri-apps/plugin-updater:

  1. Add to cargo dependencies:
tauri-plugin-updater = "2"
  1. Use in JavaScript of Rust project:
fn main() {
"dependencies": {
"@tauri-apps/plugin-updater": "^2.0.0"
import { check } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-updater';
import { relaunch } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-process';
const update = await check();
if (update?.available) {
console.log(`Update to ${update.version} available! Date: ${}`);
console.log(`Release notes: ${update.body}`);
await update.downloadAndInstall();
// requires the `process` plugin
await relaunch();

Migrate Path to Tauri Manager

The Rust tauri::api::path module functions and tauri::PathResolver have been moved to tauri::Manager::path:

use tauri::{path::BaseDirectory, Manager};
.setup(|app| {
let home_dir_path = app.path().home_dir().expect("failed to get home dir");
let path = app.path().resolve("path/to/something", BaseDirectory::Config)?;

Migrate to new Window API

On the Rust side, Window was renamed to WebviewWindow and its builder WindowBuilder is now named WebviewWindowBuilder.

Additionally, the Manager::get_window function was renamed to get_webview_window and the window’s parent_window API was renamed to parent_raw to support a high level window parent API.

On the JavaScript side, the WebviewWindow class is now exported in the @tauri-apps/api/webviewWindow path.

The onMenuClicked function was removed, you can intercept menu events when creating a menu in JavaScript instead.

Migrate Embedded Additional Files (Resources)

On the JavaScript side, make sure you Migrate to File System Plugin. Additionally, note the changes made to the v1 allowlist in Migrate Permissions.

On the Rust side, make sure you Migrate Path to Tauri Manager.

Migrate Embedded External Binaries (Sidecar)

In Tauri v1, the external binaries and their arguments were defined in the allowlist. In v2, use the new permissions system. Read Migrate Permissions for more information.

On the JavaScript side, make sure you Migrate to Shell Plugin.

On the Rust side, tauri::api::process API has been removed. Use tauri_plugin_shell::ShellExt and tauri_plugin_shell::process::CommandEvent APIs instead. Read the Embedding External Binaries guide to see how.

The “process-command-api” features flag has been removed in v2. So running the external binaries does not require this feature to be defined in the Tauri config anymore.

Migrate Permissions

The v1 allowlist have been rewritten to a completely new system for permissions that works for individual plugins and is much more configurable for multiwindow and remote URL support. This new system works like an access control list (ACL) where you can allow or deny commands, allocate permissions to a specific set of windows and domains, and define access scopes.

To enable permissions for your app, you must create capability files inside the src-tauri/capabilities folder, and Tauri will automatically configure everything else for you.

The migrate CLI command automatically parses your v1 allowlist and generates the associated capability file.

To learn more about permissions and capabilities, see the security documentation.

© 2024 Tauri Contributors. CC-BY / MIT